Charlene, retired from a successful career, lives an active life in South Florida, often walking, swimming and bike riding. Walking is a favorite ...
“I kept telling myself, this device can’t be this good, and if it is this good, how far away am I going to have to travel to get this treatment? I was ...”
“Your body tells you things, pay attention.”
“You often hear the words fighting and battling when describing someone dealing with cancer. Sometimes it’s more than just a battle, it’s a war. Try to ...”
““Be your own advocate,” she says. “I was 29 when I was diagnosed, and it was hard to realize that something like this was happening to me. Don’t wait ...”
““I Would Not Want to Do This Journey With Anyone Else But the Staff at Jupiter Medical Center””
“Scheduling Cancer Screenings: “Deeper Than Just Surviving…It’s About Living, and Living Well””
“Be proactive in your health care. You know your body better than anyone. Cancer does not discriminate, so it’s important to know your family history ...”
“This journey has been extremely touch but when you have a strong foundation, anything is possible and the medical team I have here is exactly that. ...”
“I was home after 3 days, straight from the ICU. I’m active again.”
“I loved going to treatment every week, even though I knew I was getting chemotherapy. People would ask me if I wanted a second opinion, and I said, ...”