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Pastoral Care

Treating Your Physical & Spiritual Needs

Dealing with serious illness and injury can be mentally exhausting as well as physical. Health care is more than medicine, it’s providing people with the support and resources they need to live a comfortable, happy life in mind and body.

Pastoral Care is an essential component of care at Jupiter Medical Center, offering emotional and spiritual support, compassionate listening, encouragement and hope. The chaplain and pastoral team of volunteers, together with your health care provider, offer comfort, regardless of belief system, traditions, ethnicity or values, and we are respectful of cultural and religious traditions. During your stay, you may request a visit from the chaplain. We also can assist you by contacting clergy of any faith tradition.

For special or emergent needs requiring a Catholic Priest, Rabbi, or other clergy after hours or on weekends, please contact the Charge Nurse on your unit for assistance.

We also have a beautiful interfaith Chapel located in the main hospital on the first floor just steps away from the south entrance. It is open 24/7 for quiet reflections, meditations, and prayers. All are welcome.

Let us know how we can be of support. We are here for you!

Contact Information:

Rev. Sonna Lee Schambach, BCC, MATS, MDiv

Manager of Pastoral Care and Chaplain

Office 561-263-4457 (Weekdays)
Cell 561-232-7197 (Weekdays)