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Nuclear Medicine

Nuclear medicine uses small amounts of a radioactive material called radiopharmaceuticals, or radiotracers. The radiotracer is injected into the body, swallowed, or inhaled as a gas. It eventually accumulates in the organ or area of the body being examined, and a special camera detects the radioactive emissions from the radiotracer, providing pictures and detailed molecular information. Optimized radiation doses are comparable to that of an x-ray.

Because nuclear medicine procedures are able to pinpoint molecular activity within the body, they offer the potential to identify disease in its earliest stages, as well as a patient’s immediate response to therapeutic intervention.

Studies Include:

  • Bone Scan
  • SPECT Bone Scans
  • Bowel Imaging
  • Brain Scans
  • Cardiac Stress Testing
  • Disease and Treatment Monitoring
  • Gastric Emptying
  • HIDA Scans
  • MUGA Scans
  • V/Q Lung Scans
  • Liver/Spleen Studies
  • Parathyroid Scans
  • Renal Scans
  • Radio-immunotherapy
  • Sports Injuries
  • Thyroid Scans
  • Thyroid Therapy
  • Tumor Studies


Jupiter Medical Center utilizes the Infinia™ Nuclear Medicine Scanner from GE and offers state-of-the-art Infinia dual head cameras. This technology offers highly detailed image quality.

The table is ergonomically designed for a comfortable patient experience, allowing patients to easily hold still, ensuring high-quality studies and low likelihood of re-scans.

If you are scheduled for a Nuclear Medicine exam please review the Nuclear Medicine Prep Sheet and complete the Medication Reconciliation Sheet.

  • Jupiter Medical Center

    We want to help you! If you have questions about our services and what we can offer you and your loved ones, please reach out.