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Liver Cancer

Treatment options for liver cancer are similar to those of most cancers and can include surgery, radiation, chemotherapy and, in some cases, liver transplant. We offer a multidisciplinary approach to liver cancer treatment through collaboration with specialists in liver disease, medical oncology, interventional radiology, and surgery.

We offer a full range of therapies, including:

  • Partial hepatectomy: In this procedure, the surgeon removes the part of the liver that contains the mass, and a margin of normal healthy tissue. The extent of liver resection depends on the size and location of the tumor. Following surgery, the remaining liver grows in size to replace the lost volume, restoring normal function.
  • Laparoscopic hepatectomy: Many liver resections can be performed laparoscopically, depending on tumor size and location. ‘
  • Liver transplantation: In cases where a liver transplantation is the best option, our surgeons collaborate closely with physicians at nearby transplant centers to facilitate treatment. A closely coordinated multidisciplinary treatment group cares for all patients.
  • Radiofrequency/Microwave ablation: Ablation is performed using a special probe that burns the cancer in the liver to destroy it. This technique can be used to treat small tumors as an alternative to surgical resection or can be used to avoid surgery in patients who are not candidates.
  • Transarterial chemoembolization (TACE): In this procedure, interventional radiologists access the patient's arterial system via the groin and then advance a catheter into the artery supplying the liver. Medication and particles are injected directly into the blood vessel that supplies the tumor to destroy it and control its growth.
  • Jupiter Medical Center

    We want to help you! If you have questions about our services and what we can offer you and your loved ones, please reach out.